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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

From zero to hero: building a national partnership for aflatoxin awareness across Ghana

In Ghana, as across the world, few people know about aflatoxin, though dangerous contamination is widespread in the country. Greater public awareness is essential if we are to successfully tackle the problem and create a sustainable future for solutions like Aflasafe. By working in partnership, we reach more people more effectively, and we give Ghanaians …

A scientifically sound star steps out: From field to lab, farmers and businesses now witness Aflasafe BF01’s power to fight aflatoxin in Burkina Faso’s food

And our partners are on the stage too, more than just members of the audience, fully participating in this stardom-through-testing. We bring you yet another exciting instalment from our fascinating show-and-tell real-world Aflasafe demonstrations with farmers in Burkina Faso. This time, the thrilla in Burkina is a trip from the field and back to the …

The food-safety revolution is being televised – and it’s a revolution of many voices

Aflatoxin is increasingly breaking into mainstream agendas, and that means joining the conversation in all the arenas where it matters most, like health and economics. We’re continuing to converse in a rainbow array of tongues too: we’re collating and expanding our French content; we have a fresh how-to in Kiswahili for Kenya; and we’re delighted …

Dramatic demonstrations: aflatoxin testing and shared knowledge foster Aflasafe GH02 champions in Ghana

In the fight against aflatoxin, knowledge is our greatest power. Farmers, and all those who help them to supply Ghana’s food, need to know about the threat of contamination and how to beat it with Aflasafe. Expanding partnerships with development organisations, as well as agribusinesses and farmer groups, are helping us to reach more stakeholders …

Aflatoxin awareness and forming Aflasafe leaders: ‘royal’ approval from market queens in Ghana

For Aflasafe GH02 to have sustainable demand and support into the future, we need to create awareness of aflatoxin and Aflasafe in all sectors of society, and for key movers and shakers to take that knowledge and become champions of Aflasafe. Read on to discover how we’re using events to get the message out to …

Royal ambassadors for Aflasafe BF01: Kings join the fight against aflatoxin in Burkina Faso

En français Aflatoxin is a slow and hidden killer, so to stop it in its tracks we need more than just a top-notch product. Aflasafe BF01 is a leader in its field – but it needs leaders in the field to become its champions. We have been supporting ongoing demonstrations and training days in farmers’ …

Ambassadeurs royaux de l’Aflasafe BF01 : Les rois se joignent à la lutte contre les aflatoxines au Burkina Faso

In English PDF imprimable L’aflatoxine est un tueur lent et caché. Pour arrêter sa propagation ravageuse, il nous faut plus qu’un produit de première qualité. Aflasafe BF01 est reconnu comme un leader dans la lutte contre les aflatoxines – mais il a besoin de leaders qui agiront comme ses champions dans le domaine. Nous soutenons …

Ghana’s grit, hard graft and great strides in aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe GH02 partnerships

Let’s talk agribusiness: Aflasafe GH02 grafted onto the agro-input business in Ghana It’s action stations on several fronts for Aflasafe commercialisation in Ghana, with a special focus on aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe training during the third quarter of 2018. Working with partners, we have made great strides in expanding knowledge of aflatoxin and the Aflasafe …

Manifold messages and big pictures in Aflasafe communications

We and our partners continue in our mission to communicate with farmers and the public in local languages and engage across different media wherever Aflasafe is sold. In Senegal, Aflasafe SN01 manufacturer BAMTAARE has hit the airwaves to get the Aflasafe message out to listeners, with audio clips in no less than five tongues: French, …