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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

From dialogue and planning to results and action in fighting aflatoxin in Nigeria with Aflasafe™

Walking the talk, scoring goals, counting chickens, standing on the shoulders of giants and a glimpse of pyramids Last year, in 2017, we did a good deal of legwork in Nigeria getting to know the ground, creating awareness on aflatoxin and the Aflasafe solution, and mapping out feasible pathways, partnerships and actors to effectively commercialise …

Ghana’s grit, hard graft and great strides in aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe GH02 partnerships

Let’s talk agribusiness: Aflasafe GH02 grafted onto the agro-input business in Ghana It’s action stations on several fronts for Aflasafe commercialisation in Ghana, with a special focus on aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe training during the third quarter of 2018. Working with partners, we have made great strides in expanding knowledge of aflatoxin and the Aflasafe …

’Tis the season for going nuts in The Gambia and Senegal: Protecting groundnuts from aflatoxin with Aflasafe SN01

Every year, July to September is a very crucial quarter for agriculture in West Africa: it is the groundnut-growing season. For us at ATTC, this is of course also the period when pre-harvest Aflasafe is applied to protect groundnuts from deadly aflatoxin – a function Aflasafe effectively plays before, during and after harvest, when combined …

Manifold messages and big pictures in Aflasafe communications

We and our partners continue in our mission to communicate with farmers and the public in local languages and engage across different media wherever Aflasafe is sold. In Senegal, Aflasafe SN01 manufacturer BAMTAARE has hit the airwaves to get the Aflasafe message out to listeners, with audio clips in no less than five tongues: French, …

Market-testing in Burkina Faso exploring Aflasafe BF01 commercialisation

Patient progressive promenade with a pachyderm to protect Burkina Faso’s food from aflatoxin, plot to plate In keeping with the show-and-tell approach that Burkina Faso has taken to promote Aflasafe BF01 in these early days in its commercialisation, the show has now begun in earnest, with a first testing of the waters by a pioneering …

Just right for Kenya: Unique turns in the commercialisation path for Aflasafe KE01

Much more than a different direction: taking the track less trodden to make the big difference Aflasafe commercialisation in Kenya is unique in that our primary manufacturing and distribution partner – the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) – comes from the public sector. Due to this special relationship, and for many other reasons, …

All about OPEC: Oil, exports, pyramids… and groundnuts?

Aflasafe-aided green alternative to diversify Nigeria’s exports through aflatoxin-safe groundnuts What comes to mind when you hear ‘OPEC’? Wealth-bringing oil, sandy swathes graced with camels and perhaps a pyramid here and there? You’re doing pretty well. But when it comes to Nigeria, the term has a second meaning that’s got nothing to do with petroleum …

Insight into incentives: Using Aflasafe™ to fight aflatoxin in Nigeria’s maize

For all those interested in how we can encourage the adoption of a ‘non-traditional’ product like Aflasafe in pre-existing crop market and value chains, we are delighted to share not one but two informative and accessible new communications products from our colleagues at the AgResults Nigeria Aflasafe™ Pilot. Their new video documentary is brimming with …

A multipronged approach for aflatoxin mitigation in Africa centred on biological control

Aflasafe at the 11th International Congress of Plant Pathology Our science leader, Dr Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, shone on the international stage recently with a stellar keynote address at the 11th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), where he was joined by a constellation of other IITA researchers. So highly anticipated was Ranajit’s talk, on A multipronged …

Aflasafe taking off in Tanzania: Business opportunities abound at Dar es Salaam Investors Forum

Aflasafe offers a way to make our food safer – and it brings agribusiness opportunities too, in manufacturing, distributing and marketing. These doors are opening ever wider now in Tanzania: thanks to powerful twin toxin-beaters Aflasafe TZ01 and TZ02 (together known as ‘Aflasafe TZ’) –fully developed, proven, and thus ripe and ready for commercialisation. To …