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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Ambassadeurs royaux de l’Aflasafe BF01 : Les rois se joignent à la lutte contre les aflatoxines au Burkina Faso

In English PDF imprimable L’aflatoxine est un tueur lent et caché. Pour arrêter sa propagation ravageuse, il nous faut plus qu’un produit de première qualité. Aflasafe BF01 est reconnu comme un leader dans la lutte contre les aflatoxines – mais il a besoin de leaders qui agiront comme ses champions dans le domaine. Nous soutenons …

ATTC at 3rd Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa platform meeting (PACA PPM)

We at IITA’s Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialisation initiative (ATTC) continue our steadfast commitment to food safety in Africa, in deeds and dialogues, and in concert with the African Union’s Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA). Following a jointly hosted successful food-safety side event in September last year at the African Green Revolution Forum …

Aflasafe safari out of Africa: Panoramas from Pakistan on fighting aflatoxin in food

While Aflasafe is a product exclusively for and of Africa, our team’s expertise and achievements are spilling beyond Africa’s shores, receiving recognition across the world. In October 2018 our very own Alejandro Ortega-Beltran took the first step in a brand-new relationship, travelling all the way to Islamabad, Pakistan to attend the launch of AflaPak, a …

Food safety at the forefront of Africa’s green revolution – bad food is no good and no food

We cannot talk about food security and ignore food safety – its crucial cornerstone. Quantity without quality is no good, and food safety is right at the heart of food quality. After all, food is meant to nourish us, not to make us ill or, worse, kill us. With this in mind, ATTC, the African …

From dialogue and planning to results and action in fighting aflatoxin in Nigeria with Aflasafe™

Walking the talk, scoring goals, counting chickens, standing on the shoulders of giants and a glimpse of pyramids Last year, in 2017, we did a good deal of legwork in Nigeria getting to know the ground, creating awareness on aflatoxin and the Aflasafe solution, and mapping out feasible pathways, partnerships and actors to effectively commercialise …

Ghana’s grit, hard graft and great strides in aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe GH02 partnerships

Let’s talk agribusiness: Aflasafe GH02 grafted onto the agro-input business in Ghana It’s action stations on several fronts for Aflasafe commercialisation in Ghana, with a special focus on aflatoxin awareness and Aflasafe training during the third quarter of 2018. Working with partners, we have made great strides in expanding knowledge of aflatoxin and the Aflasafe …

’Tis the season for going nuts in The Gambia and Senegal: Protecting groundnuts from aflatoxin with Aflasafe SN01

Every year, July to September is a very crucial quarter for agriculture in West Africa: it is the groundnut-growing season. For us at ATTC, this is of course also the period when pre-harvest Aflasafe is applied to protect groundnuts from deadly aflatoxin – a function Aflasafe effectively plays before, during and after harvest, when combined …

Manifold messages and big pictures in Aflasafe communications

We and our partners continue in our mission to communicate with farmers and the public in local languages and engage across different media wherever Aflasafe is sold. In Senegal, Aflasafe SN01 manufacturer BAMTAARE has hit the airwaves to get the Aflasafe message out to listeners, with audio clips in no less than five tongues: French, …

Market-testing in Burkina Faso exploring Aflasafe BF01 commercialisation

Patient progressive promenade with a pachyderm to protect Burkina Faso’s food from aflatoxin, plot to plate In keeping with the show-and-tell approach that Burkina Faso has taken to promote Aflasafe BF01 in these early days in its commercialisation, the show has now begun in earnest, with a first testing of the waters by a pioneering …