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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Win-win ‘just add water’ wonder! Lowering Aflasafe production costs, while assuring quality

“It’s like instant coffee. For a quick cup of coffee, you just mix it with water, and there you have it – you don’t need a plantation to grow the coffee beans yourself.” — Dr Alejandro Ortega-Beltrán, Aflasafe R&D Aflasafe manufacturers anywhere in Africa can now receive enough concentrated aflatoxin-busting active ingredients to protect an …

Africa’s first private-sector Aflasafe factory now in production for The Gambia and Senegal

It’s a first for Africa, and standing on Senegalese soil! Scroll down for a photographic tour, or read all about it first… We’re thrilled to report that Africa’s first ever Aflasafe factory fully built, owned and operated by the private sector is now up and running. Located in Kaolack, Senegal, and owned by BAMTAARE, the IITA-licensed …

The Gambia guns for Aflasafe-enabled aflatoxin-safe food

Behind this unassuming façade below that houses The Gambia’s National Food Security, Processing and Marketing Corporation (NFSPMC), a quiet revolution is slowly but steadily gaining ground… The Gambia continues to make great strides towards aflatoxin safety in groundnuts, mostly thanks to the National Food Security, Processing and Marketing Corporation (NFSPMC), that considers food safety as …

Pointers from Pakau Njogu, Gambia on Aflasafe SN01, and on fighting aflatoxin in food

Our continuing series of conversations with the ultimate Aflasafe users – smallholder farmers – took us to Pakau Njogu, in The Gambia’s Northern Region. Again, following on from M’bollet Ba, we learnt yet more new things about our product as farmers continue to teach us. Here is what they said, in their own authentic words. …

Farmer and consumer voices on Aflasafe SN01, beyond beating aflatoxin in food in The Gambia

Printable PDF Sneak peek into astounding observations reported by farmers, some of whose causes science is yet to unravel In October 2018 we travelled from our Aflasafe labs and experimental fields, and from business-development dialogues and fora, into the reality on the ground, as our product truly leaves IITA for its new owners – Aflasafe-using farmers, …

’Tis the season for going nuts in The Gambia and Senegal: Protecting groundnuts from aflatoxin with Aflasafe SN01

Every year, July to September is a very crucial quarter for agriculture in West Africa: it is the groundnut-growing season. For us at ATTC, this is of course also the period when pre-harvest Aflasafe is applied to protect groundnuts from deadly aflatoxin – a function Aflasafe effectively plays before, during and after harvest, when combined …

Business-to-business interactions to spur and sustain Aflasafe SN01 demand in Senegal and The Gambia

En français As factory construction continues, so does commercialisation. To spur and drive demand for Aflasafe, BAMTAARE, with technical support from the Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialisation initiative (ATTC), organised agribusiness cluster meetings in April, 2018 in both Senegal and The Gambia. The meetings were attended by, among others, exporters, input dealers, cooperatives leaders and …

Rencontre d’échanges entre professionnels de l’agrobusiness afin de stimuler et maintenir la demande d’Aflasafe SN01 au Sénégal et en Gambie

In English Pendant que l’usine est en construction, la commercialisation se poursuit. Afin de stimuler et orienter la demande d’Aflasafe, avec le soutien technique de (ATTC) Programme de Transfert de Technologies et de Commercialisation d’Aflasafe, BAMTAARE a organisé des réunions d’affaires avec des groupes d’agro-industriels en avril 2018 au Sénégal et en Gambie. Des exportateurs, …

Latest strides in Senegal and The Gambia in commercialising Aflasafe – one user’s experience

Aflasafe SN01 was launched in Senegal and The Gambia in March 2017. Matters Aflasafe did not end there. In fact, this was just the beginning. Nearly six months to the day, a formal Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Licensing Agreement was signed between IITA and BAMTAARE. What has happened since in terms of commercialisation? The steady forward march …

Technology leap for Senegal and The Gambia to combat aflatoxin in food

En français Aflasafe is an all-natural product for Africa that fights aflatoxin in food: customised for each country or region, Aflasafe reduces aflatoxin by up to 99%. In Senegal, local Aflasafe production commences mid-2018, with today’s signing ceremony paving the way… DAKAR, SENEGAL, 21st September 2017 – Today in Dakar, both Senegal and The Gambia …