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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Just right for Kenya: Unique turns in the commercialisation path for Aflasafe KE01

Much more than a different direction: taking the track less trodden to make the big difference Aflasafe commercialisation in Kenya is unique in that our primary manufacturing and distribution partner – the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) – comes from the public sector. Due to this special relationship, and for many other reasons, …

All about OPEC: Oil, exports, pyramids… and groundnuts?

Aflasafe-aided green alternative to diversify Nigeria’s exports through aflatoxin-safe groundnuts What comes to mind when you hear ‘OPEC’? Wealth-bringing oil, sandy swathes graced with camels and perhaps a pyramid here and there? You’re doing pretty well. But when it comes to Nigeria, the term has a second meaning that’s got nothing to do with petroleum …

Insight into incentives: Using Aflasafe™ to fight aflatoxin in Nigeria’s maize

For all those interested in how we can encourage the adoption of a ‘non-traditional’ product like Aflasafe in pre-existing crop market and value chains, we are delighted to share not one but two informative and accessible new communications products from our colleagues at the AgResults Nigeria Aflasafe™ Pilot. Their new video documentary is brimming with …

A multipronged approach for aflatoxin mitigation in Africa centred on biological control

Aflasafe at the 11th International Congress of Plant Pathology Our science leader, Dr Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, shone on the international stage recently with a stellar keynote address at the 11th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), where he was joined by a constellation of other IITA researchers. So highly anticipated was Ranajit’s talk, on A multipronged …

Aflasafe taking off in Tanzania: Business opportunities abound at Dar es Salaam Investors Forum

Aflasafe offers a way to make our food safer – and it brings agribusiness opportunities too, in manufacturing, distributing and marketing. These doors are opening ever wider now in Tanzania: thanks to powerful twin toxin-beaters Aflasafe TZ01 and TZ02 (together known as ‘Aflasafe TZ’) –fully developed, proven, and thus ripe and ready for commercialisation. To …

Getting to grips with aflatoxin in Ghana – Aflasafe GH02 launched, bags gold

Aflatoxin control: Whose responsibility? Positive change was in the air in Accra on the 29th of June 2018, at the official launch of Aflasafe GH02, where the question above was asked and clearly answered. Besides celebrating the advent and outstanding performance of Aflasafe in Ghana, discussants also got to grips with aflatoxin, deliberating on the …

Marketing Aflasafe BF01 in Burkina Faso – Big plans from a big name

Eléphant Vert, the newly appointed exclusive distributors of Aflasafe BF01, effortlessly lives up to its name It’s a company whose green elephant logo speaks for itself. Eléphant Vert goes large and green on natural solutions. And so, naturally, our all-natural environmentally friendly Aflasafe slides seamlessly into their portfolio of green products, taking like a duck …

All systems go for Aflasafe TZ in Tanzania to protect groundnuts and maize from deadly aflatoxin

Aflasafe TZ01 and Aflasafe TZ02 soon to be registered, commercialisation strategy underway Good news! Tanzania is all set to join the half-dozen countries in Africa firmly on the road to full-scale Aflasafe commercialisation, thanks to the now fully developed Aflasafe TZ. The term ‘Aflasafe TZ’ is a convenient catch-all as a joint moniker for Aflasafe …

Business-to-business interactions to spur and sustain Aflasafe SN01 demand in Senegal and The Gambia

En français As factory construction continues, so does commercialisation. To spur and drive demand for Aflasafe, BAMTAARE, with technical support from the Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialisation initiative (ATTC), organised agribusiness cluster meetings in April, 2018 in both Senegal and The Gambia. The meetings were attended by, among others, exporters, input dealers, cooperatives leaders and …

Rencontre d’échanges entre professionnels de l’agrobusiness afin de stimuler et maintenir la demande d’Aflasafe SN01 au Sénégal et en Gambie

In English Pendant que l’usine est en construction, la commercialisation se poursuit. Afin de stimuler et orienter la demande d’Aflasafe, avec le soutien technique de (ATTC) Programme de Transfert de Technologies et de Commercialisation d’Aflasafe, BAMTAARE a organisé des réunions d’affaires avec des groupes d’agro-industriels en avril 2018 au Sénégal et en Gambie. Des exportateurs, …