We know that Aflasafe dramatically cuts the amount of deadly aflatoxin in food, getting it down to zero or to very low levels. But why is that so important?
Maybe the most obvious benefit is that we could prevent severe outbreaks of aflatoxin poisoning, like the one that killed over 120 people in Kenya in 2004. But these tragedies are fortunately rare, and these deaths are only the tip of the aflatoxin iceberg.
Keeping aflatoxin out of our food, as we can do with Aflasafe, will also prevent aflatoxin building up in our bodies over months and years, and help us avoid a whole range of health problems down the line:
- Eliminating aflatoxin means getting rid of one of the major causes of cancer in Africa. Liver cancer is the third most common cancer on our continent, and at least 30% of cases are down to aflatoxin. Liver cancer is also incredibly deadly, killing about 95% of its victims, so by stopping it we could save tens of thousands of lives each year.
- We can protect our children from stunting and blighted development due to the damage caused by aflatoxin.
- We can prevent harm to our immune systems. We can never know the exact causes of all sickness, but many diseases are always happy to see aflatoxin since it makes us generally weaker against them. We know that it contributes to HIV/AIDS and malaria, and makes vaccines less powerful.
- We can make sure we are better able to digest food by preventing damage to the intestine, reducing malnutrition and helping us get proper nourishment.
These benefits extend to almost everyone in Africa, since we nearly all have some aflatoxin in our bodies. Aflatoxin exposure starts even before birth, and continues and builds up throughout our lives. By using Aflasafe to get this toxic killer out of our food we can break this cycle.
For a more in-depth look at health impacts and benefits, see our food safety and health page.