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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Malawi: Aflasafe launch alongside handover of aflatoxin testing laboratory, commercialisation next

Aflasafe MWMZ01 and Aflasafe MW02 have been launched in Malawi and are off to a flying start, with powerful supporters, eager partners and improved infrastructure beside them in the fight against aflatoxin. The launch, on 10th April 2019 in Lilongwe, was part of a joyful celebration of the first fruits of a major collaboration for …

The Gambia guns for Aflasafe-enabled aflatoxin-safe food

Behind this unassuming façade below that houses The Gambia’s National Food Security, Processing and Marketing Corporation (NFSPMC), a quiet revolution is slowly but steadily gaining ground… The Gambia continues to make great strides towards aflatoxin safety in groundnuts, mostly thanks to the National Food Security, Processing and Marketing Corporation (NFSPMC), that considers food safety as …

Business unusual in Senegal with aflatoxin-beating Aflasafe SN01: health trumps profit

En français “It’s first and foremost about my own health and that of my family. You have to heal yourself before you begin to heal others” —Mr Habib Thiam, agribusiness entrepreneur, exporter and President of Le Collectif des producteurs et exportateurs de graines d’arachide (COPEGA – Consortium of groundnut producers and exporters) in Senegal October …

Une démarche inhabituelle dans les affaires au Sénégal relative à la lutte contre l’aflatoxine avec Aflasafe SN01 : La santé l’emporte sur le profit

In English « Il s’agit avant tout de ma propre santé et de celle de ma famille. Vous devez vous soigner avant de commencer à soigner les autres. » – M. Habib Thiam, agro-entrepreneur, exportateur et président du Collectif des Producteurs et Exportateurs de Graines d’Arachide (COPEGA) du Sénégal. Taïba Niassène, Kaolack, Sénégal, Octobre 2018 Une perspective agrobusiness Rencontre …

All about OPEC: Oil, exports, pyramids… and groundnuts?

Aflasafe-aided green alternative to diversify Nigeria’s exports through aflatoxin-safe groundnuts What comes to mind when you hear ‘OPEC’? Wealth-bringing oil, sandy swathes graced with camels and perhaps a pyramid here and there? You’re doing pretty well. But when it comes to Nigeria, the term has a second meaning that’s got nothing to do with petroleum …

Aflasafe SN01 launched in The Gambia to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize

Aflatoxin is a real and present danger in Africa’s food, affecting key staples such as maize and groundnuts, which are both very common foods across sub-Saharan Africa. The Gambia is no exception. Today, Aflasafe SN01™ was launched in Banjul, The Gambia, to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize. Aflasafe is an all-natural biocontrol product, developed …

Aflasafe SN01 launched in The Gambia to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize

BANJUL, THE GAMBIA, 24th March 2017 – Aflatoxin is a real and present danger in Africa’s food, affecting key staples such as maize and groundnuts, which are both very common foods across sub-Saharan Africa. The Gambia is no exception. Today, Aflasafe SN01™ was launched in Banjul, The Gambia, to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize. …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the solutions to aflatoxin – with a …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it LAGOS, NIGERIA, 15th March 2017 – Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the …