Harvest time Nigeria! Aflasafe moves from research to nationwide commercialisation to protect food from deadly aflatoxin
Harvestfield Industries Ltd to exclusively manufacture and distribute Aflasafe™ in Nigeria Ibadan, Nigeria, 12th March 2018 – Today, Africa’s most populous nation – Nigeria – takes a giant stride forward in the fight against aflatoxin in food. A formal Technology Transfer and Licensing Agreement (TTLA) will be signed between the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture …
Commercialisation catwalk: market-ready Aflasafe® hits ‘The Road out of Poverty’ on the world stage
DES MOINES, IOWA, USA, 19th October 2017 – If we have a powerful and effective research-proven solution to a chronic global problem, potentially affecting us all through the food we eat, how do we best ensure that solution reaches those that most need it in the real world? We answer that question, as Aflasafe steps …
Technology leap for Senegal and The Gambia to combat aflatoxin in food
En français Aflasafe is an all-natural product for Africa that fights aflatoxin in food: customised for each country or region, Aflasafe reduces aflatoxin by up to 99%. In Senegal, local Aflasafe production commences mid-2018, with today’s signing ceremony paving the way… DAKAR, SENEGAL, 21st September 2017 – Today in Dakar, both Senegal and The Gambia …
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Une avancée technologique considérable pour le Sénégal et la Gambie dans la lutte contre les aflatoxines dans les aliments
In English Aflasafe est un produit entièrement naturel pour l’Afrique destiné à la lutte contre les aflatoxines dans les aliments: adapté pour chaque pays ou région, Aflasafe réduit les aflatoxines jusqu’à 99%. Au Sénégal, la production locale d’Aflasafe commencera en mi-2018, avec la cérémonie de signature d’aujourd’hui qui ouvre la voie … DAKAR, SENEGAL, 21 …
Tackling aflatoxin, the killer poison in Africa’s food
NAIROBI, KENYA, 12th April 2017 – Aflatoxin in food was among the prominent issues discussed at the recent First All-Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 28th to 31st March 2017. The Congress attracted about 600 participants from 22 countries including outside Africa. Its theme was Reducing food waste and losses: sustainable solutions for …
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Aflasafe SN01 launched in The Gambia to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize
BANJUL, THE GAMBIA, 24th March 2017 – Aflatoxin is a real and present danger in Africa’s food, affecting key staples such as maize and groundnuts, which are both very common foods across sub-Saharan Africa. The Gambia is no exception. Today, Aflasafe SN01™ was launched in Banjul, The Gambia, to combat aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize. …
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Un produit biologique “Aflasafe” réduit l’aflatoxine sur l’arachide et le maïs
Dakar (SÉNÉGAL), 22 mars 2017 – Les effets des aflatoxines sur la santé, l’agriculture et le commerce en Afrique sont considérables. L’aflatoxine est parmi les vecteurs du cancer du foie qui fait chaque année des milliers de victimes dans le monde, mais c’est l’Afrique qui paye le plus lourd tribut avec un taux de 30%, particulièrement …
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Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer
The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it LAGOS, NIGERIA, 15th March 2017 – Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the …
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