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For Aflasafe superfans, go straight to the event page for our 1st Aflasafe for Africa Conference, fighting aflatoxin in food, held 4th–5th November 2019, Mount Meru Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.
View all eventsTTLA for Aflasafe SN01
On 21st September 2017 Senegal and The Gambia took a leap forward together in fighting aflatoxin, when a Technology Transfer and Licensing Agreement (TTLA) was signed between the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and BAMTAARE Services SA. This landmark first-ever Aflasafe TTLA established BAMTAARE as the exclusive manufacturer and distributor of Aflasafe SN01 in both countries – which share the ecosystem the product is tailored for – and paved the way for an immediate start to factory construction. “Our vision of success is that every maize and groundnut farmer have access to Aflasafe where and when needed,” said Mr Abdou Konlambigue, the Managing Director of the Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialisation Project (ATTC), who signed the TTLA on behalf of IITA alongside Mr Ahmed Bachir Diop, BAMTAARE CEO.