Using Aflasafe is quick, easy and doesn’t cost me much, and it means I can sell my harvest at a better price to traders looking for safe grain to supply their customers. Of course, I always keep some back to feed my family, so I’m glad to know that I’m protecting them too. More

I want to sell quality groundnuts at a good price to big confectionary companies in Europe and America, but in the past I haven’t been able to meet their strict aflatoxin limits. Aflasafe-treated groundnuts are helping me open up the market, make more profits, and bring export revenues into Africa. More

My business turns grain into maize meal for cooking and animal feed. Using Aflasafe-treated maize is a simple, cost-effective way to make sure my products are safe and I can sell them at a premium to the right buyers. More

I want people in my country to live healthy lives, and I’m worried about the rising costs of treating cancer and other sickness caused by aflatoxin. Aflasafe is helping us make our food safer, and it’s making our food industry healthier too. Exports are booming! More

I’ve started using Aflasafe-treated maize to feed my chickens, and I’ve noticed that they grow bigger and faster and fewer birds get sick or die. My profits have doubled, so I don’t mind paying a little bit more for feed – I’m even thinking about expanding my business soon. More

I worry about what I eat, especially since we’ve had a cancer case in the family, and I want my children to grow up strong and healthy. I can’t afford expensive imported food, so I want everyday food that’s safe for them to eat and won’t make them sick. More
To find out more about the status and availability of Aflasafe in your country, visit Aflasafe where I am.