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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Food safety pact for transparent trade and aflatoxin-safe food in Ghana

What if commercial buyers could always be sure of what they are buying – including the invisible aflatoxin content of the produce they are paying for? And what if farmers could be sure of a fair price – reflecting the quality of their goods, and giving them an incentive to keep aflatoxin out? That’s the …

Food-safety pact in Ghana: MoU signed for aflatoxin-safe food at home and abroad

ACCRA, GHANA, 27th AUGUST 2019 – The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organisations. The joint MoU, signed on 21st August, aims to improve food safety in Ghana by tackling aflatoxin in food. Like many other afflicted countries in the tropics …

Pointers from Pakau Njogu, Gambia on Aflasafe SN01, and on fighting aflatoxin in food

Our continuing series of conversations with the ultimate Aflasafe users – smallholder farmers – took us to Pakau Njogu, in The Gambia’s Northern Region. Again, following on from M’bollet Ba, we learnt yet more new things about our product as farmers continue to teach us. Here is what they said, in their own authentic words. …

Senegal’s farmers take charge in fighting aflatoxin in food using Aflasafe SN01

As we continue our journey from the labs, factories and deal rooms where aflatoxin testing is done, Aflasafe manufactured and business deals made, just like farmers do, we crisscrossed between Senegal and The Gambia in search of what the ultimate users of Aflasafe have to say – the farmers. Having spoken to farmers in M’bollet …

Farmer and consumer voices on Aflasafe SN01, beyond beating aflatoxin in food in The Gambia

Printable PDF Sneak peek into astounding observations reported by farmers, some of whose causes science is yet to unravel In October 2018 we travelled from our Aflasafe labs and experimental fields, and from business-development dialogues and fora, into the reality on the ground, as our product truly leaves IITA for its new owners – Aflasafe-using farmers, …