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What's in it for me? Where to buy Aflasafe Food safety & health Industry & economics Policy

Know-how for all: learning to use Aflasafe in a diversity of languages and formats

Our tree of knowledge is blossoming as we grow our range of leaflets, videos, audio, and more. With an early focus on Nigeria  we are supporting our new commercialisation partner, Harvestfield Industries Ltd, in their marketing and awareness campaign to get Aflasafe out there and everyone talking about it. Our research has shown that Aflasafe …

Aflasafe in the news

As Aflasafe commercialisation takes off, public awareness and coverage in the media are growing too. Interested in what the world is saying about us? We’ve created a new virtual album of our most recent press cuttings, as well as articles of interest on aflatoxin. In Quarter 1 of 2018 alone, the Nigerian press has been …

Private sector takes on awareness campaigns on aflatoxin and Aflasafe in Nigeria

Harvestfield Industries Ltd rises to the occasion In February 2017, ATTC’s new Aflasafe™ commercialisation partner, Harvestfield Industries Ltd, who will manufacture and distribute Aflasafe in Nigeria, engaged in an intensive and extensive aflatoxin-awareness campaign – crucial when offering a solution to a silent, invisible and little-known killer. Fanning out across the country in a simultaneous …

A first! Using Aflasafe™ for commercial groundnut production in Nigeria

Spearheaded by Olam, springboard is Jigawa State Aflasafe™ has made its debut in the groundnuts arena in Nigeria, thanks to Olam – an international trading company with operations in Nigeria – and Nigeria’s Jigawa State Government. Olam is seeking aflatoxin-safe groundnuts for export, for which the company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in July …

Harvest time Nigeria! Aflasafe moves from research to nationwide commercialisation to protect food from deadly aflatoxin

Harvestfield Industries Ltd to exclusively manufacture and distribute Aflasafe™ in Nigeria Ibadan, Nigeria, 12th March 2018 – Today, Africa’s most populous nation – Nigeria – takes a giant stride forward in the fight against aflatoxin in food. A formal Technology Transfer and Licensing Agreement (TTLA) will be signed between the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the solutions to aflatoxin – with a …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it LAGOS, NIGERIA, 15th March 2017 – Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the …