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Press Releases

Un produit biologique “Aflasafe” réduit l’aflatoxine sur l’arachide et le maïs

Dakar (SÉNÉGAL), 22 mars 2017 – Les effets des aflatoxines sur la santé, l’agriculture et le commerce en Afrique sont considérables. L’aflatoxine est parmi les vecteurs du cancer du foie qui fait chaque année des milliers de victimes dans le monde, mais c’est l’Afrique qui paye le plus lourd tribut avec un taux de 30%, particulièrement …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the solutions to aflatoxin – with a …

Saving Nigeria’s food from aflatoxin, a stealthy, silent and invisible killer

The greatest danger from this relentless killer is that you cannot see, smell or taste it LAGOS, NIGERIA, 15th March 2017 – Partners and investors in Nigeria’s groundnut and maize produce will today convene at Lagos for an Investors Forum. This is a roundtable consultation on how best to commercialise Aflasafe – one of the …

Aflasafe commercialisation begins: ATTC launch

Video Photos & quotes Our team   The Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialisation initiative (ATTC) was officially launched at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria, on 1 December 2016. More than 100 participants attended from farmers’ organisations, research institutions, ministries of agriculture, regional economic communities and the private sector. Through …